The Alibi Room x Ken Diamond x Howe Sound Brewing x Megadestroyer = Limited Licorice Stout

I know I’m a little behind on this one, but caught wind of this just the other day and had to post about it. Benny, Paul and Jeff (the individuals behind the unique brand Megadestroyer) are swell cats and Ken Diamond is no slouch himself.

This little project they’ve put together is nothing short of awesome and makes me want to be back in Canada sippin’ some of this stout. I don’t know where you can get your mitts on this stuff, but I did talk to them and they’ve promised me a few bottles of this coveted brew upon my return in the spring.

You can read more on this little collab at Be sure to check out (designed by yours truly) and respectively. Amazing people. Amazing product.

Bottoms up.

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