Dancing and Hookers and Broken iPhones, Oh my!

So many of my peoples got a little email update on the events that took place last evening, leaving me with a broken iPhone this morning. I thought I’d re-post the little event here. Here’s the quick and dirty:

Went out last night with some peoples and got my dance on in a grimy hip-hop bar. Left the bar before the rest of the crew and headed home. A few blocks from my house I encountered a hooker/thief. On top of peeling her clothes off and next to molesting me, she was also trying to pick pocket me. Having some friends who have been ripped off in this exact manner, my 6th sense kicked in. I got defensive at which point I was yelling at her and flailing my arms trying to brush her off. A hard feat with big naked guns in your face. During this, my iPhone was dislodged from my bear-like grip and the screen got smashed.

Now, I awoke this morning and was ticked and gave the phone one extra good luck toss just to make sure it was really broken, only to find out afterward that a cracked screen can sometimes be fixed. 0 for 1.

Note the gap between the front and back casing.

Posted in: Life

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