About the individual behind
Short, Dork & Lonesome

“I am Matt O’Brien, the self-deprecating yet confident individual who bares the alias Short, Dork & Lonesome (amongst many others). I built this online playground to give my peoples a glimpse into my life. If you like what you read, indulge me. If you don’t, do so anyways. Hollerate.”

Matt O’Brien is a self-taught individual with a passion for life, business and anything creative. Family and friends, his “peoples” as he calls them, are at the top of his list and are the driving force behind whatever he does. A backwards thinker, being involved in numerous projects (both past and present) has allowed him to mix his creative side with his strategic side and he’s always looking for something he can put his spin on. Of course, at the end of the day the main goal always remains: to ensure that work doesn’t feel like work and when it does to remember that it’s all so that he can travel and spend time with his “peoples” while surely listening to a little Zeppelin and enjoying a frosty pinsticle.

Short, Dork & Lonesome – aka Matt O’Brien

Current Locale: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +1 (888) 637-9913
Email: hollerate@shortdorkandlonesome.com
Follow: @hollerate

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