Latest Works: Beaver Wax & Sean Avery

Long overdue is the launch of my own portfolio site for my design alias, The Infamous Design, which will eventually be unveiled in 2011. I can’t put a time frame on it, as it seems as soon as I get working on it another job comes up and that’s something I shouldn’t complain about. Until my portfolio site does launch, I’ll put updates on projects here.

This past summer I did a re-brand for Beaver Wax, a Canadian owned and operated snow, skate and surf wax company which hand-pours environmentally friendly wax and does so in small batches. They make things the way all things used to be made: with care and by hand. For that reason and to separate the brand from it’s competition, which mostly bare a more modern design, we opted for a vintage look that’s reminiscent of an old soap label. I also recently completed the website for the company (which is still slightly in the works) and it can be seen at

The next project in the works is a website for professional hockey player Sean Avery (

That’s it for now. I’ll be sure to update once they’ve launched.

Posted in: Creative / Life

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