Tag Archives: buenos aires

Dancing and Hookers and Broken iPhones, Oh my!

So many of my peoples got a little email update on the events that took place last evening, leaving me with a broken iPhone this morning. I thought I’d re-post the little event here. Here’s the quick and dirty: Went out last night with some peoples and got my dance on in a grimy hip-hop […]

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Cementerio de la Recoleta

Last Thursday, Junior and I strolled to the famous cemetery in Recoleta. Definitely a unique spot; almost like a little city of graves. A bit eerie as well. I’ve got a whack of photos from the place and pulled a select few here. To view em all make the jump below the photo.

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BA Life

Majority of this site is going to be posts and pictures of travel, but from time-to-time I will give a little insight on things I take mental note of or things that intrigue me and will hopefully do the same for you. This is one of those posts. Last weekend was an insane party weekend. […]

Posted in: Life / Peoples
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