Monthly Archives: January 2011

BA Life

Majority of this site is going to be posts and pictures of travel, but from time-to-time I will give a little insight on things I take mental note of or things that intrigue me and will hopefully do the same for you. This is one of those posts. Last weekend was an insane party weekend. […]

Posted in: Life / Peoples

MDQ… Enjoy gentlemen.

For those who don’t know what MDQ is, it’s the airport code for a little place I like to call Mar Del Plata. Chicas in ass-less bathing suits everywhere, packed beaches and insane partying that doesn’t start til 2am or later and go til after sunrise. I’ve actually never seen or experienced anything like it. […]

Posted in: Life / Peoples / Women

Ed Shaughnessy vs. Buddy Rich Drum Battle

Like most people, I can’t live without music. As I’ve grown older I’ve come to appreciate a lot more of it. I watched this video a long while back while sipping a pintsicle with my good friend Jon Coleman and thought I’d share it with you today.

Posted in: Inspiration / Music

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