Uncle Grape Tooth

After a stressful couple of weeks Junior and I boarded the overnight bus and hit Mendoza, Argentina for a little R&R. Mendoza is basically wine country down here in Argentina and is situated just east of the border of Chile.

Day 1: Massages at the Villagio Hotel Boutique (a place I highly recommend) followed by watching the SuperBowl at Believe Irish Pub.
Day 2: Wine tasting at Achaval Ferrer, an expensive boutique winery that does labeling and sealing by hand, 5-course lunch paired with 7 glasses of wine at Ruca Malen and then off to meet the truly unique and energetic Carmelo Patti for a few more glasses. Napsicle back at the hotel, then off to Azafran for dinner.
Day 3: About as relaxing as it gets; a day at the hot springs, natural saunas and mud baths at Hotel & Spa Termas Cacheuta.

All in all a pretty sweet few days. I’d suggest any of these places if you’re ever in Mendoza. Just make sure when you take the bus up to the hot springs, you don’t get out at the first stop. That and do the trip with your lady.

More photos after the jump.


Posted in: Food & Beverage / Life

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