Monthly Archives: February 2011

A young Matty O?

Thom Yorke does his best impression of me in his latest video for Lotus Flower.

Posted in: Inspiration / Music

If you’re like me, you’ll need this.

Working with so many passwords for banking, client emails, FTP sites, memberships, etc, I have an overload of usernames and passwords in my life. I actually manage to somehow remember most, but the odd time I forget. I recently signed up for LastPass and it’s awesome. Essentially a secure password vault for all your goodies. […]

Posted in: Life

This is priceless.

My good buddy Teddy sent me a link to this vid and it’s priceless. If you like this, peep some of his other vids. Dom Mazzetti vs. Hipsters is pretty money as well.

Posted in: Fun / Life

Latest Works: Beaver Wax & Sean Avery

Long overdue is the launch of my own portfolio site for my design alias, The Infamous Design, which will eventually be unveiled in 2011. I can’t put a time frame on it, as it seems as soon as I get working on it another job comes up and that’s something I shouldn’t complain about. Until […]

Posted in: Creative / Life

Uncle Grape Tooth

After a stressful couple of weeks Junior and I boarded the overnight bus and hit Mendoza, Argentina for a little R&R. Mendoza is basically wine country down here in Argentina and is situated just east of the border of Chile. Day 1: Massages at the Villagio Hotel Boutique (a place I highly recommend) followed by […]

Posted in: Food & Beverage / Life

Dancing and Hookers and Broken iPhones, Oh my!

So many of my peoples got a little email update on the events that took place last evening, leaving me with a broken iPhone this morning. I thought I’d re-post the little event here. Here’s the quick and dirty: Went out last night with some peoples and got my dance on in a grimy hip-hop […]

Posted in: Life

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Last Thursday, Junior and I strolled to the famous cemetery in Recoleta. Definitely a unique spot; almost like a little city of graves. A bit eerie as well. I’ve got a whack of photos from the place and pulled a select few here. To view em all make the jump below the photo.

Posted in: Life

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